Media Releases

Media Release – TSO Fine Wine Auction 2014


About the TSO: Founded in 1922, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra is one of Canada’s most important cultural institutions, recognized internationally. Peter Oundjian, now in his 13th season as the TSO’s Music Director, leads the Orchestra with a commitment to innovative programming and audience engagement through a broad range of performances that showcase the exceptional talents of the Orchestra along with a roster of distinguished guest artists and conductors. The TSO also serves the larger community with TSOUNDCHECK, the original under-35 ticket program; the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra; and music education programs that reach tens of thousands of students each year.
Read more about the TSO

About the TSVC: The Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee is celebrating its 95th anniversary this season. The TSVC is a major contributor to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s operating costs and to the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra’s tuition-free enrollment, as well as a support to many of the TSO’s educational programs. The TSVC has also endowed orchestra chairs, gifted musical instruments, commissioned compositions and provided financial support for several recordings.

Media Contact: Kathy Buckworth, PR Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee, 416-885-2967 or

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