Information for TSVC members

Calendar of TSVC Meetings and Events
Please view the 2023-24 CalendarPlease also see the TSVC Membership book for additional information.

Monthly Newsletter
A monthly newsletter is emailed to all volunteers. We encourage members to share information about current TSVC activities and events as well as ongoing projects. Send submissions to Please send any updates to your personal contact information to Linda McGeown, TSVC General Manager at

Membership Involvement
To help plan for 2023-24, the Membership Committee requests that members indicate the projects and activities they are interested in. Read a brief description of TSVC projects, partnerships and committees and their responsibilities. Please complete the brief online Membership Survey.

Please remember your ideas and enthusiasm are important and we need your involvement for our projects to be successful.

Among the benefits of TSVC membership are opportunities to attend Orchestra Liaison Luncheons and the Interludes Lecture Series.