Support a TSVC Event or Project
Donate to the Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee (TSVC) – Donations of $20 or more will receive an official tax receipt.
If you wish to make a donation, please click here:
Tribute Donations
The Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee (TSVC) Concert Sponsorship Fund is a unique and purposeful way to support the Toronto Symphony Orchestra (TSO) with a donation to this fund.
Donations to the Concert Sponsorship Fund can be made in honour of or in memory of someone, or to celebrate an occasion. A personalized gold note card will be sent indicating a donation was made (donation amount is not disclosed to the recipient). Donations may be made anonymously on request. Minimum donation $20. Contact Linda McGeown at
Planned Giving / Transfer of Securities
A planned gift or transfer of securities is best made with the counsel of your trusted financial and legal advisors.
Leave a Bequest
Your confidential, charitable gift may be made directly, or through a will or life insurance policy. In addition to the personal satisfaction of philanthropic giving, gifts of various kinds result in tax advantages. Simply ask your lawyer to include a line in your will specifying the amount of your donation to the TSVC.
The information on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice.