TSVC Bylaw Amendment – Online Voting Form

FOR TSVC MEMBERS ONLY. You may submit one vote.

Absentee votes are due by 12:00 am (midnight), Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

Thank you for taking the time to submit your vote.

CLICK HERE to vote online

Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee (TSVC) Bylaw Motion - Online Voting Form

TSVC BYLAW MOTION: "Be it resolved that the official Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee By-Law No.1 be replaced with the document "Bylaws of the Toronto Symphony Volunteer Committee". The TSVC Bylaw motion will be presented and voted on at the TSVC General Meeting on April 19, 2017. Absentee votes must be received by 12:00 am (midnight), Tuesday, April 18, 2017. By voting online, I have read and understood the TSVC Bylaw amendments emailed to me.

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