OLL Survey (for committee members)

Thank you for your participation, contributions and assistance to the TSVC Orchestra Liaison Luncheon Committee (OLL).

The purpose of this survey is to get your feedback to assist with planning for next year and will be shared at the OLL meeting prior to the June 3, 2019 luncheon.

Please complete the online survey below by Friday, May 25, 2019. Once completed, click the “Send” button to submit your survey. THANK YOU!

OLL End of Year Survey 2018-19

We are restricted to serving a lunch that does not require heating or keeping food hot. We have a strict all in budget of $15.00/person.

Each OLL committee member contributes 2 dozen squares or cookies (preferably homemade) or fruit for a dessert table. The orchestra enjoys the home baking.

OLL tasks: Kitchen set up, preparing dessert trays, coffee, receiving/organizing catering, water jugs, room decor, servers for lunch, registration table, clean up.

We welcome your feedback. Please list any comments or suggestions you may have. THANK YOU!

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